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Sweet Layered Pudding

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

180 g rice flour
1/4 tsp salt
560 ml coconut milk
red coloring
3/4 alkali water
6 tbsps sugar*
140 ml water*
4 screwpine leaves*-knotted*
*for syrup to be use as liquid

To make syrup:
1. Melt sugar in water with screwpine leaves. Stir to dissolve sugar.
2. Remove screwpine leaves. Cool syrup.

To make batter:
1. Stir together rice flour & salt into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the center & add in syrup with 140 ml coconut milk. Mix together until smooth.
2. Add in remaining coconut milk & mix thoroughly. Strain batter into a jug. Allow batter to stand for 20-30 minutes.
3. Heat steaming tray in a steamer. Add alkali water to batter & mix well.
4. Divide batter into 2 portions; 1 in natural color & 1 other in red color to get pink color.
5. Divide each portion into 3 parts.
6. Without removing steaming tray from steamer,pour 1 natural color part into tray. Steam it for 3 minutes until the thin layer of batter is  set & almost cooked.
7. Pour the the pink color part of the batter over the almost cooked natural color part & steam for 3 minutes until the batter is almost cooked.
8. Repeat the proses. When the top most layer which is pink batter is cooked, remove the tray & cool thoroughly before cutting the pudding into suitable sizes.

*Avoid water from falling onto surface of batter by wiping steamer cover every time after pouring in batter for the next layer.


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